Dear users. will open the deposit of HAHA, POGAI at 6:00 (UTC) on May 6, 2023, The HAHA/USDT, POGAI/USDT trading pairs and withdrawal at 7:00 (UTC) on May 6, 2023.
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
Tokens in circulation: 90,000,000,000
Hasaki is the smartest doge in the world! And it is your most capable AI assistant in the cryptocurrency world. Hasaki is here to eliminate the inaccuracy and incompleteness of traditional ways of accessing information, while lowering the threshold for users to access information.
Official website:
Blockchain browser:
Whitepaper link:
Token Name: POGAI (POGAI)
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
Tokens in circulation: ---
POGAI is an emoticon token. Without tax and fee slippage, LP lockdown, contract abandonment, and no mode, it is the purest meme, allowing all members of panda enthusiasts to lead it on to continue making sand sculptures and monsters.
Official website:
Blockchain browser:
Whitepaper link: ---
The project introduction comes from the information published or provided by the official project team, which is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Crypto assets are innovative investment products with large price fluctuations. Please rationally judge your investment ability and make investment decisions prudently.
SuperEx Team
May 5, 2023