USDT Sustainability Contracts are virtual contract products that are settled in USDT, also known as Positive Sustainability Contracts. Investors can buy long contracts to gain from an increase in the price of the virtual cryptocurrency, or sell short to gain from a decrease in the price of the virtual cryptocurrency. Contract leverage is 1 to 150 times.
Unlike delivery contracts, each of which has a fixed expiration date and delivery price, USDT perpetual contracts has no expiration date and never expires. The USDT Sustainability Contracts are settled every 8 hours at 0:00- 8:00 and 16:00 everyday, and only if the position is held at that time will the user will be required to pay or receive a funding fee. If a position is closed before the market fee is charged, then no market fee is paid.
There are two types of transactions in USDT sustainability contracts, open and close. Open and close positions are divided into two dimensions; buy and sell.
Buy to open (bullish) refers to buying a certain number of new contracts of a certain product when the user is long or bullish on the index. The "buy to open long" operation will increase the long positions after the success of the slot.
Sell Close Long (Close Long Position) means that the user is not bullish on the future index market, so he/she will offset the current buy contracts and exit the market. A "Sell to Close" operation will reduce the long position after a successful slot or contract.
Short selling (bearish) refers to selling a certain number of new contracts of a certain token when the user is bearish or bearish on the index. The "Sell to open" operation will increase the short position after a successful order.
Buy to close (short position closing) means that the user is no longer bearish on the future index market and buys back the contract to offset the current holding of sell contracts to exit the market. A successful "buy to close" operation will reduce the short position.