1 USD shopping process(APP)
Step 1:
Register/login to your SuperEx account
Step 2:
In SuperEx home page, click Personal Center in the upper left corner, click Nickname to enter User Center, click Security, and choose at least one of SMS Authenticator, Email Authenticator, and Authenticator for security verification.
Step 3:
Click the 1 USD event on the home page of SuperEx to enter the event page
Step 4:
Select the product that suits your preference and click to place an order.
Step 5:
According to the actual demand, choose the number of copies of the order, the maximum number of copies cannot exceed the balance of copies.
Step 6:
If the balance is sufficient, the order will be successful, if the balance is insufficient, click the quick deposit button to deposit.
Step 7:
The order is completed, wait for other copies to be sold
Step 8: Once all the shares are sold, all user IDs will be shuffled randomly, and the winning users will be selected through a random draw.
Come and join the fun—use just 1 USDT for a chance to win 1 BTC!